Monday, March 7, 2011

Miracles in Progress

 This is my first attempt at blogging! They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but I am giving it a go, anyway. Our family ministry "Miracles in Progress" has several pages on Facebook, but I am continually being led of the Lord to create a broader forum for discussion. So, after many errors, starting over and wondering if I would ever be smart enough to do this simple thing... here I am!

Let me say at the start that this is not a political platform. This is not a crusade to blast other religions, churches, races, homosexuals or any other militant issues.  It IS a platform to share moments of our lives, stories, ideas and events. Just share with me honest to goodness living, embracing what the Lord has done for you, today. Let's shine a little light into the darkness, one little miracle at a time.

I am just one person, with one little light. But co-joined with other lights, we can blaze a glorified Jesus, and offer hope to the hopeless. And possibly an open door that others might enter.


  1. What a great opening...I would love to join you

  2. Good Morning Kristen... I tried to make this look as much like our wonderful Coachella Valley as possible... folowing the Lord's leading. We will take it for the Lord, and you guys are such a part of it! Woohoo! Love you!

  3. nice Sunny! I posted it on my twitter account too

  4. Thanks Deb. I posted a gorgeous (but lengthy) story this morning shared by Maureen from SRC.. it is amazing. Love you and welcome aboard!
