Saturday, April 30, 2011

Footwashing In Today's Culture

Jesus washed the feet of His disciples; in Biblical times hosts honored their guests by washing their feet as a way of refreshment. It was a kindly, honored service towards another person.

Today, there are groups of folks who take food, drink,clothing and other supplies to homeless folks... and they wash the feet of these lost people, as they tell them of the love and tender mercies of Jesus Christ. Of His servitude so great, that He gave His life for every single one of us. He showed the way! It is an act of total servitude and humility on the part of the washer; it is an act of wonder to the washee.

Yet, when I look through teachings of pastors and evangelists, I find there are those Christians who scoff at this, and in fact put down the act of foot washing! Why? Because, as they explain it was an act of refreshment only, in a bygone day. They further advise that there is nothing in the Bible that makes this scriptural, and to do so is almost to the point of boasting... that it is making new scripture, instead of following that which is already written.

I won't belabor this for long - Jesus showed us about foot washing as an example of a "servant's heart". We should be willing to serve the lowliest, the least of people. Only then will we grasp a full understanding of God's pure love. 

While there are no Biblical instructions as to performing footwashing during worship services, there is no way I could not participate in this demonstration of love, any more than I could not participate in laying my face of the feet of someone when I pray for them. I am compelled by the love of God and the fullness of the Holy Spirit to a place I would not otherwise go. At the foot of another. There is so much joy, richness of spirit, closeness to God when I put myself in that position that I can't use mere words to describe it. When this happens, I am lost - lost in the love of Jesus, and completely vulnerable to His leading. What a joy to be so privileged as to bring this kind of love to someone who is without love in their life.. 

I cherish those moment of being a "lamp unto thy feet". That is my experience. I am not compelled by law; I am not compelled by teachings; I am not compelled by Biblical dictate; I am not compelled by the ideals of man. I am compelled by my Father in Heaven, in the love of Jesus Christ, through the Spirit. And when He calls, I will always come running, no matter what the reasoning of man.

Try it sometime! You will never be the same.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Child's Easter

The idea of giving gifts out of love is a concept from God, as generously evidenced by his son, Jesus Christ. These celebrations are what God would expect - the birthday of a King, and the resurrection of a king.

Children aren't complicated. They are capable of learning so quickly, it is amazing. They need to learn about love, not disdain. They need to learn about giving and receiving. They need to learn about waiting, believing and searching.... hope and faith.

We know there is no Easter bunny bringing dyed eggs [or laying them, for that matter]. But it is a lovely story... momentarily brought to life. The symbol of the egg... the carrier of life. We know there are no flying reindeer and elves working at the North pole. Yet,  Santa and the hope he engenders quickens the hearts of all children over time.

When a child is brought up day-to-day with the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the example of Jesus Christ exhibited in his parents... when a child is nurtured, and taught about Jesus Christ, then that child KNOWS Jesus lives! Talk to children who love the Lord. They are straight forward and adamant in their belief... not question for them. Jesus Christ lives. They know him and recognize him as their savior, protector and friend.

There is a season for everything. A time for planting, a time for sowing - and, there is nothing new under the sun. We need to let our children have their season in the sun, laughing and growing strong in the love of the Lord. We need to let them play, as we teach them.

As an adult, I look back on a childhood without those fantasies, those wonderful dreams, those glorious days that make our eyes shine, and our hearts beat faster. And I spent years devoid of the love of Jesus Christ in my life, and family.  I was on the outside looking in, and my heart longed to join in the fun. My imagination knew no limits, as I wistfully dreamed, and longed to become part of the fairy tale.

Yes, we need to keep our Risen Christ in Easter. And we can do that by allowing our children laughter and joy, using these gifts as tools to teach our children how to live with and love the Lord. We can teach them that waiting for Santa is much the same as the world waiting for the Messiah. We can plant, grow, nurture... with laughter and a merry heart.

Or, we can show them how to grow a heart two sizes too small.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

You Shall Know Him - Riding on a Donkey

"Say to the Daughter of Zion, 'See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.' " [Matthew 21:5 NIV]

If ever words have been spoken about humility, it is these. As Christians we tell the world we "follow Christ". I put this question to all of us - do we really? Do we have an attitude of humility [which can only be adopted through true love of others], or do we seek the best place, the best friends, the best pew in the church, the best... the best.... the best.

Yes, we love our Lord, Jesus Christ. But would we go to Easter services, and be willing to stand outside, so unbelievers may enter and find a seat? Would we be willing to celebrate Easter services in the same garments and unwashed bodies as the homeless?  Would we take to Easter goodies and give them to the poor?  

I am not trying to be provacative, or challenging. I am only testing the waters of our hearts. Are we humble, gentle and loving. Do we see others with the eyes of Jesus Christ?

Let's practice with this song, remembering we are speaking of our Lord and Savior, who was gentle, who died for us. Who thought nothing of entering the throne room of God and conversing with the angels. Who left the palaces of heaven for the crude cross. Who could have ridden in a gilded chariot with fine white horses, but chose to set an example our hearts can follow... he entered on the lowliest of riding animals. The colt of a donkey..

Sing with me.. "Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest! Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest. Lord, we lift up your name, with a heart full of praise. Be exalted, O'Lord our God.. Hosanna in the Highest!"

Saturday, April 16, 2011


And as he rode into Jerusalem on the back of a colt, the people ran before him waving and laying down palm leaves, and singing "Hasanna in the highest!" Oh, Lord, let us never forget that joyous moment of recognition that you ARE the King of Kings and Lord of Lord... Hosanna in the Highest!

Friday, April 15, 2011


URGENT... AMBER ALERT!!! Edmonton, Kentucky, USA. Little girl, 3 yrs old picked up by man driving grey car, license plate: Quebec 72B 381. Canada. Please share this on Facebook, Twitter, email and phone - let's save this little girl.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's In the Bag!

I unloaded my car and took my shopping bags into the kitchen. I pulled my receipts out and checked the items registered. It was then that I discovered the store had made a mistake.. in my favor, not theirs! I had a hand bag which had the security device removed, and had been packaged by the clerk.. but it was not on my receipt. 

This has happened to me many times over the years, and I always groan and fuss when it does. Not because I am tempted (which I am, but never enough to follow through, thus ensuring endless sleepless nights), but because of the process of returning the items. This is more difficult than it seems.

Do I walk into the store and tell them the item just appeared out of the blue in my bag? (Visions of handcuffs and flashing red lights zip through my mind!) Do I slip as unobtrusively into the store as possible, and try to put the item back on the shelf? (Oh, those visions again...) Either approach could land me in a world of trouble. But will they even begin to believe me?  There is only one way to find out.

When Jacob went to meet up with his brother Esau, from whom he had stolen the birth right, he sent word ahead. He offered gifts and glad tidings to make the meeting safe. He understood his situation was precarious, and that it called for finesse and thoughtfulness. This is a good lesson for all of us, and one the Lord has carried me through over the years.

So, I followed Jacob's game plan. I called the store and talked with the manager. After explaining to him the reason for my call, he offered to let me come in and pay whenever it was convenient, if I wanted to keep it. I was amazed! "Really?" I asked, "you would give me that kind of open end arrangement?". To which he replied "How could I not? We never get these kinds of calls.. you could have kept the bag and not said a thing!"

The next morning I returned the handbag. They thanked me profusely. And guess what!?!  I was given an application form for employment! 

God was with me, and the Spirit directed my steps, my attitude and my words to keep me safe from what could have been a nasty situation. Not only that, He saw that I was awarded in an unusual manner - with an employment application. This spoke volumes for the integrity I enjoy, not of myself, but because I serve a risen Christ. 
For just a moment I was tempted to submit that application, even though I am retired. After all, it IS my favorite store. Alas, it is not to be. I learned a long time ago, God will never tempt us beyond that which we are able to handle. I would be like a kid in a candy store! Thank goodness I have the Lord directing my steps. It's best if I just remain a customer in good standing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Crackle Glass

One of the joys in my life is crackle glass. As a tactile person, I love to touch and hold items, relishing the different textures and what they represent to my fingertips. It is nearly impossible for me to pass by a crackle glass item and not pick it up; cup my hands around it and get lost in the beauty of it. Thousands of light shards dance across and through its surface, smiling back at me. Every piece is unique, and each tells its own story.

Yet, surprisingly all the beauty, depth and light comes about because the piece is flawed. Over heated, too quickly cooled. It is a mistake that somehow turns out beautiful. It doesn't matter the color, the style or what it serves - each one calls out to be picked up, held, loved and enjoyed.

We are, each of us, like that. Beauty from ashes. Flawed, yet beautiful. Each will serve a different purpose. Each will be placed in different circumstances. For every person who sees us and fails to understand the depth and beauty of us, there will be a hundred who draw in their breath in awe.

One such person is Jesus Christ. He loves us in our flawed beauty, because he knows we have come through the fire more beautiful, more bright, more sparkling than before. God has a plan for us all, knowing we will be beautifully flawed by events in our life. Yet, He arranged it so we could still let our beauty rise and shine!

I raise my crackled glass to you today, in honor of who you are. Let your light shine through your history and shed love on those you meet.