The idea of giving gifts out of love is a concept from God, as generously evidenced by his son, Jesus Christ. These celebrations are what God would expect - the birthday of a King, and the resurrection of a king.
Children aren't complicated. They are capable of learning so quickly, it is amazing. They need to learn about love, not disdain. They need to learn about giving and receiving. They need to learn about waiting, believing and searching.... hope and faith.
We know there is no Easter bunny bringing dyed eggs [or laying them, for that matter]. But it is a lovely story... momentarily brought to life. The symbol of the egg... the carrier of life. We know there are no flying reindeer and elves working at the North pole. Yet, Santa and the hope he engenders quickens the hearts of all children over time.
When a child is brought up day-to-day with the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the example of Jesus Christ exhibited in his parents... when a child is nurtured, and taught about Jesus Christ, then that child KNOWS Jesus lives! Talk to children who love the Lord. They are straight forward and adamant in their belief... not question for them. Jesus Christ lives. They know him and recognize him as their savior, protector and friend.
There is a season for everything. A time for planting, a time for sowing - and, there is nothing new under the sun. We need to let our children have their season in the sun, laughing and growing strong in the love of the Lord. We need to let them play, as we teach them.
As an adult, I look back on a childhood without those fantasies, those wonderful dreams, those glorious days that make our eyes shine, and our hearts beat faster. And I spent years devoid of the love of Jesus Christ in my life, and family. I was on the outside looking in, and my heart longed to join in the fun. My imagination knew no limits, as I wistfully dreamed, and longed to become part of the fairy tale.
Yes, we need to keep our Risen Christ in Easter. And we can do that by allowing our children laughter and joy, using these gifts as tools to teach our children how to live with and love the Lord. We can teach them that waiting for Santa is much the same as the world waiting for the Messiah. We can plant, grow, nurture... with laughter and a merry heart.
Or, we can show them how to grow a heart two sizes too small.
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