Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's In the Bag!

I unloaded my car and took my shopping bags into the kitchen. I pulled my receipts out and checked the items registered. It was then that I discovered the store had made a mistake.. in my favor, not theirs! I had a hand bag which had the security device removed, and had been packaged by the clerk.. but it was not on my receipt. 

This has happened to me many times over the years, and I always groan and fuss when it does. Not because I am tempted (which I am, but never enough to follow through, thus ensuring endless sleepless nights), but because of the process of returning the items. This is more difficult than it seems.

Do I walk into the store and tell them the item just appeared out of the blue in my bag? (Visions of handcuffs and flashing red lights zip through my mind!) Do I slip as unobtrusively into the store as possible, and try to put the item back on the shelf? (Oh, those visions again...) Either approach could land me in a world of trouble. But will they even begin to believe me?  There is only one way to find out.

When Jacob went to meet up with his brother Esau, from whom he had stolen the birth right, he sent word ahead. He offered gifts and glad tidings to make the meeting safe. He understood his situation was precarious, and that it called for finesse and thoughtfulness. This is a good lesson for all of us, and one the Lord has carried me through over the years.

So, I followed Jacob's game plan. I called the store and talked with the manager. After explaining to him the reason for my call, he offered to let me come in and pay whenever it was convenient, if I wanted to keep it. I was amazed! "Really?" I asked, "you would give me that kind of open end arrangement?". To which he replied "How could I not? We never get these kinds of calls.. you could have kept the bag and not said a thing!"

The next morning I returned the handbag. They thanked me profusely. And guess what!?!  I was given an application form for employment! 

God was with me, and the Spirit directed my steps, my attitude and my words to keep me safe from what could have been a nasty situation. Not only that, He saw that I was awarded in an unusual manner - with an employment application. This spoke volumes for the integrity I enjoy, not of myself, but because I serve a risen Christ. 
For just a moment I was tempted to submit that application, even though I am retired. After all, it IS my favorite store. Alas, it is not to be. I learned a long time ago, God will never tempt us beyond that which we are able to handle. I would be like a kid in a candy store! Thank goodness I have the Lord directing my steps. It's best if I just remain a customer in good standing.

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