Friday, March 11, 2011

This is the Day

This is the day that the Lord has made..

What a day of remembrance for me, and for people around the world, as news of a 8.9 point earthquake shakes Japan and causes another tsunami. Truly a storm to be reckoned with, with so many lives affected, worldwide. (Update at 1:30 PM PDT - another 6.8 point earthquake hit Japan, a little further away. This is probably the aftermath shock of settlement. However, due to the fragile state from previous earthquake, and the tsunami, this one was even more devastating.)

We are helpless in the face of such storms. They cause us to remember how frail, fragile and feeble we are as humans. The tremors beneath our feet, the roar of the winds and the water, the shudder of buildings folding in under the onslaught... it is altogether terrifying. We who watch from afar fear for those caught in the midst of it.

In the meantime, we celebrate the birthday of a loved one, or an anniversary. Perhaps a marriage. Life goes on in the midst of the storm. We go to our jobs, happy to be able to provide a living for our family. We go to church; we kneel and pray.

Here in the desert it is 82 degrees, with sunshine and all the birds joyously announcing the warmer, spring weather. I sit at my keyboard, taking a moment to share thoughts about living one day at both extremes of the see-saw. I can't still the waves, or make the earth stop trembling. I can't rescue those facing disaster - not just Japan, Hawaii, the Pacific coastline, but people all over the planet whose day just isn't going well. They are toppled over by unexpected tragedy.

The good news is, in Jesus Christ's name I can pray for those folks. I can live assured that our God is an awesome God, and there is no tragedy so great that He isn't greater. We can run to Him and hide in the shelter of His wings. We can abide in Him.

This is how we become strong; this is how we persevere. Please join me in prayer today that God may touch these people and that they may come to know peace and rest in the arms of God. It is the least we can do.