Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Til Death Do Us Part

It began as just another day in the desert, and life was good. Job was a happy man... a man who served his God and experienced great blessings. He had a beautiful home (tent), and fabulous cars (healthy camels). His quiver was filled with children, and his herds thrived. He sat at the beautiful gate with all the men, and they called him blessed.  In the meantime, Mrs. Job was busy at home, keeping everything ticking along like clockwork. Although she was not seemingly important enough for her name to be written for all eternity to see, she was the catalyst that kept the family going. Long before the Proverbs were written, Mrs. Job was busy being a Proverbs 31 wife.

Then the Great Depression came, and with it came pestilence and loss of everything Job had been blessed with. In the midst of this drama, Job's friends gathered around to explain to him all the things he had done wrong. Job even questioned God.  The disease took hold of him and he was covered with boils all over his body... and nobody wanted to look at him, let alone touch him. He tore his clothes in anguish and threw ashes over his body. His grief had to be beyond belief. 

About that time, Mrs. Job came along and wailed at him for all the loss, grief and pain they were going through. Good touch, huh? Bad Mrs. Job.

But just wait a moment.  Let's consider her position, and what she was experiencing during that time. No children left, no livestock, no money, no honor in the community - most certainly she faced a lot of jeering. She probably would have covered her head in shame. As a wife and mother, she had run a tight ship, now it lay at her feet - dust among dust. 

Who would comfort her at this time? Who was there to tell her God would prevail? Who was there to encourage her everyday? She was accountable, but unattended. Broken and not lifted. Bereft and not comforted. But she still took care of all the needs of the home during this time. 

What do you think about this... please share your thoughts on this. Was she, as God stipulated to Adam and Eve, Job's helpmate, or his housekeeper? In the end Job received a double portion of all he had before. Do you think is is possible that is because Mrs. Job held the line during his God time? 

Looking forward to your thoughts. Have a Sonshiney day! ♥

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sunny! This is so beautifully written. She was certainly his helpmate. As Chrisitan wives it is our responsibility to lift our husbands in prayer and support them at all times but especially when they are down. Sometimes I feel like the housewife, but my husband constantly reminds I am his helpmate and his anchor.

    With my husband being in Afghanistan each day presents challenges and so many times I feel as though I don't have much to be thankful for. When I feel this way I immediately begin reflecting over the things I do have to be thankful for . Over the course of my life (you've read my story) I've felt like Job.

    Today I'm so many of us can relate to Job in ways we never have before. If I lost everything and God never restored anything, He sent his own very special son to die on the cross for me in order to be reconciled with me.

